Saturday, 28 August 2010

A Couple Of Interactive Arty Games

So guess what...

Go on guess...


Oh you're no fun, nobody :(


I've made a few Let's Play videos of 2 Interactive Arty games over the course of 7 days . I'm not saying a week because.....I'm not really sure why....hmmm.

So anyways, both are kinda cool short games & you should go check them out, nobody :)

So here are the links to my videos:

Loondon: Part 1 & Part 2

Little Wheel: Single video :O

& Here are the games :)

Loondon & Little Wheel

Bye for now. Enjoy this smiley :)

Saturday, 14 August 2010

Electric Box - New Custom Level by RandomThought31

So as seen on my last post, I helped RandomThought31 discover the various flaws of his new custom level in Electric Box.
He has finally completed the level & made it foolproof.

Here's the code: {"0@%0"&1D'1@)2%30971|80(92);0"=0#G0#I0"J0"L1)P2/Q24S0#U16X0#Y0$Z02[05]0#`22b0Ac2Dd2)j2+k0"l0+m0#n0&t0|w0|x19y06~*2.$-4('(4~!("G#0+),9526?74?6@BI|J?K.S5T+U.}

Here's the screenshot of the unsolved level:

As you can see, the multiple unintended paths have been removed.
Here is the solution:

To RandomThought31, you may think that this level is not very sneaky but I think it's still quite a good level & I think you should post it on the Candystand forums for inclusion in Level Pack 3 (if they make it).

Bye for now :)

Monday, 9 August 2010

Electric Box - New Custom Level by RandomThought31 - Work in Progress

I was recently contacted by RandomThought31 who you may or may not remember from my Let's Play videos of Electric Box Level Pack Volume 2.

I will henceforth assume RandomThought31 to be a guy - if he's not then...that violates Rule #22

He had 2 levels there & I'm guessing that he was equally surprised to see someone play his level - That or he's being way too modest - who knows.

Anyways he gave me a new level he made but Youtube's comment system somehow prevented me from copy-pasting it as the game showed an error :(

Eventually he sent me a Private Message on Youtube & I was able to play his new level.

Here's the code: {"0@$0#'0@)2%.0"/0"00"11@20|30#70"80(92);0?=09B0"I0"J0"L1)M05O0#P2/Q24S0$U16V0"X2.Y0$[05]0#`22b0Ac0#d2)j2+k0"l0+m0#n0&t0|w0|x19y06~!~!("G#0+),0526274?6@BI|J?KDSDTDUD}

& a screenshot of the unsolved level:

I solved it very quickly & here's my first solution:

As you can see this is probably not what he intended the solution to be.

This level has a lot of potential so I'd suggest him to review unless he wants this level to end up like KH's level (see the last bit of this video)

Anyways here are 2 more unintended solutions I found:

This is the easiest solution to this level that I have found.

& this one

This post is mainly for RandomThought31 to aid him in making this level better. Hope you do. Bye for now :D

RandomThought31 updated his level to this:



A lot of the unintended solutions have been removed but there's still one left:

The level's on its way to awesome RandomThought31. Just give it a little more thought :D