Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Let's welcome the New Year with LOTS of News :)

Hey everyone, Anistuffs here wishing you all a Happy New Year & a belated greetings for whichever holiday you celebrate.

So let's start off this MASSIVE blog post with a TON of updates.

0. I finished my Portal (First Time) Playthrough with a whopping 7 episodes ready to be uploaded.

1. My uncle & his family came over from Bangalore on the 24th of December for a week. I was very happy to say the least because I got to see my little cousin brother who's about 11 years younger than me.

2. Bhai (my little brother) learnt of the game Portal from yours truly & decided to check it out.
And he LOVED it :)

3. I went on a short 3 day trip (25th to 27th of December) with them to my aunt's native village (where there isn't even any running water). It was AWESOME :)

3.5. At the village we played with a lot of people, mostly with our one year old toddler cousin, Mishu, who's just learning how to walk & can barely talk. She was epic to say the least.

4. We returned from said village & Bhai played more Portals & he (at 9 & a half years old) was better at it then me (naturally). Again, Awesomeness.

5. Me & Bhai & our cousin sister (who's 8 months younger than Bhai) watched How To Train Your Dragon & Despicable Me. It was the best fun I've had watching a movie.

6. The 3 of us played Beyblades on a Carrom-board. It was ..... you know what I'm gonna say ;)

7. Bhai played more Portals & managed to finish upto Level 15 in 4 sittings, all of which are recorded & ready to be edited & uploaded ;)

8. Bhai left in the wee hours of this morning (2 Jan, 2011) at 4:30am to catch the 6 o'clock flight to Bangalore & I am finally able to return to my normal life (which sucks, in case you're curious) of writing blog posts that no one ever reads, making videos that very few people watch & in general being very depressed all the time. Yay :'(

Anyways, my Portal Endgame is being uploaded as of writing & should be public by the end of the week thanks to my Internet connection & I'll be making (& uploading) Bhai's Portal videos soon.

See you later, my non-existent blog-readers :|