Sunday, 6 April 2014

The Space-Kite - Chapter 5 - Recruit (FTL Fanfic - WIP)

The last chapter in this fanfic. It's a bit small but still took me a while because I couldn't figure out a proper way to end this story. I'm still not quite happy with how it ends but I can't figure out anything better so please help me out with that.
Other than that, Yayyyy I just finished my first story. I've written stories before but never finished any one of them. This is the first one I actually (tentatively) finished, so I'm really happy about that :D

Anyway, don't forget that this is the first time I'm putting one of my stories online. So please give me feedback, point out flaws in my writing so I can fix them & tell me how I can improve the story in pacing, technique, dialogue, characterization & whatnot.


Chapter 5    Recruit

Sofia stepped out of the military infirmary and did a stretch. Her body still felt weak and tired but she knew it was only in her mind. The physicians at the infirmary confirmed that the medbots within her body worked perfectly and that she was physically absolutely fit. Now she was getting hungry so she headed towards the hanger.
The Space-Kite arrived at the Federation ranger outpost at the spacetown Shahrengil in the Limawi sector around 2 hours ago. And immediately upon docking, Sofia headed straight to the infirmary. As for the others, Bear took Rafiq to report his performance as their probationary gunner; Zekko helped the outpost’s soldiers escort their two prisoners, Tojjick and his only surviving crew Mootig, to interrogations and Pomeroy went to deliver the intel they recovered from Rogdus 4’s comm-logs and hard-drives.
The hanger was a short walk from the infirmary and along the way, she passed by a little restaurant. Unfortunately, in her haste she forgot to take any money with her and Shahrengil had no bioscan-banking facility. So she just quickened her pace.
In a few minutes she arrived at the small military hanger. There were 2 station defence crafts and a med-evac craft docked in the hanger besides the Space-Kite. She walked past various military personnel and civilians milling about their own businesses, none of them having any idea that less than a quarter div ago they were the target of a devastating attack.
Upon getting closer, she saw that two human and two engi were busy working at fixing the many hull dents on the Space-Kite. Zekko stood near the ship with his neck craned to see the repair work.
“Yo Zek!”, Sofia said with a pat on Zekko’s back.
Zekko turned and smiled. “Hey, you’re back early. I’m guessing the docs gave you a clean bill of health?”
“Yep. Medbots worked just as they’re supposed to. How’d the interrogation go?”
“I think it’s still going, actually. Tojjick’s going to be hard to crack but that Mootig guy seemed easier. I didn’t stick around to find out; had to report at the rock wing. That took a while so I got hungry.”
“You too, eh? While waiting at the infirmary, I realized I forgot to take any money so I came straight back to the ship as soon as I could.”
“Oh, poor you! Here you go. I was saving this pancake for later.” Zekko produced a pancake from one of his pockets.
“Thanks Zek.” Sofia took the pancake and removed the wrapping. A nice fruity scent filled her nostrils. She gave a large bite. “Mmm sijlee beans. So how goes the repair work?”
“Looks pretty good. I think they’re probably finishing up now. Hopefully Pomeroy gets here soon and does a thorough inspection. Speaking of… isn’t that him over there?” Zekko pointed at the engi entering the hanger through the door farthest from them.
“Hm?” Sofia craned her head to see. “Yep, that’s him.”
By the time Pomeroy reached them, Sofia had finished with the pancake and was wiping her hands on the wrapper.
Zekko asked, “So Pomeroy, what’s the sitrep?”
“Information acquired from Rogdus 4, substantial. Contained Sevril clan troop movements in Sedocho, Limawi and Haarito sectors, encryption keys for certain priority transmissions and location of 3, possibly 4, bases.”
“Yeah, we already guessed as much. But what are they planning to do about Rogdus?” Sofia questioned. “I mean, we left the ship just floating there at Sedocho 7, ripe for the taking by looters.”
Pomeroy lowered his voice. “Information secrecy level, significant. A small crew will leave within the hour to hide Rogdus 4 inside Kostaii nebula. Goal, to attempt to receive more Sevril transmissions, although the likelihood of that is low.  Probability that the Sevril clan has realized that the craft has been captured, very high – 87.41%, to be precise.”
“That’s good to hear”, Sofia said. “I hope the ship won’t already be scrapped by pirates by the time they get…”
“Uh, excuse me.” One of the humans of the repair crew spoke from on top of the Space-Kite, interrupting Sofia’s train of thought.
All three of them turned their heads upwards. Zekko asked, “Yes?”
“We’re finished with our repairs. So if you’d, uh, like to give a look see…”
 “Affirmative. Gratitude.” Pomeroy said as he stepped towards the ladder that the repair crew had set up on one side of the cargo ramp.
Bear and Rafiq returned just as the repair crew were leaving.
Bear asked, “Ah, repair’s all done I see. What did the docs say, Grundi? Everything looking fine?”
Sofia replied, “Ayup. Gunning at 100% health here. How’d it go with the greenie? Did he say something stupid?”
“You just can’t resist taking a jab at me, can you?” Rafiq asked in mock exasperation. He quite enjoyed the occasional poking from Sofia. It reminded him of his sister and made him feel quite at home amongst his new family.
“Nope. Standard policy. Just ask Cap Bear.” Sofia grinned.
“She’s got you there, Rafiq”, Bear said in agreement with an equally goofy grin.
Zekko asked, “But how did it go? What did those deskreens say when they heard about the double Pegasus strike?”
“Actually, we thought it best not to mention that”, Bear replied.
“What? Why?”, Sofia and Zekko both said in unison.
“Because it was a fluke.” Rafiq said, slightly annoyed that his teammates made such a big deal of that shot. “I told you, the second strike was complete luck and uh...”
Bear put up his hand and Rafiq immediately went quiet. “Even if it wasn’t luck, we had to report about our new crew teleporter first. And that went significantly less than ideal.”
“But didn’t you say back at Signovia that you coaxed the supply guy?”, Sofia asked.
“I did. On Signovia. I had a feeling his word wouldn’t be much help here. After all, we did purchase it from the black market. And how do you think people would react if word got out that the Federation’s own military uses black market equipments on their ships? If nothing else, it’d give those pesky anti-feder propagandists in Solcen some ammo. Hell, we almost got court martialled before I reminded the brass who saved this entire spacetown and two others from certain death. So we got off with just a show-cause.”
Zekko whewed. “Wow. Hettic be praised!”
“You said it, Sunn”, Bear continued. “After that, neither of us was in the mood to talk much. Again, I’m sorry you got yelled at with me Rafiq. You had nothing to do with the decision to buy the teleporter. To be threatened with court martial after their first mission generally doesn’t bode well for a greenie’s will.”
Rafiq replied, “I told you already, captain, it’s fine. I’d rather forget about that whole fiasco.”
“I hear ya’. So anyway, next when we got to report Rafiq’s progress, I just said it was better than satisfactory and took him off probation as our new gunnary private.”
Rafiq waved both his hands childishly and said a cheerful “woohoo”.
“You realize that with a ‘better than satisfactory’ remark on your probation assignment, you could’ve applied for a position at a station defence force, right Fick?” Sofia asked.
Everyone immediately stared at Sofia. Rafiq was shocked that she would say that. He wondered if she still saw him as a greenie and was trying to get rid of him for a better gunner.
She continued, “Don’t get me wrong, Fick. I’m happy that you’re coming aboard full time. It’s just that, your chances of survival as an SDF personnel is significantly higher than as a ranger.”
Now everyone turned their eyes toward Rafiq.
“She’s right, Rafiq”, Zekko said. “On my last mission aboard Garker, the craft I served in prior to getting transferred here, we got boarded and lost 4 of our crew before we managed to repel them and jump away.”
Earlier, while the Space-Kite was still en route to Shahrengil, Bear had called Rafiq to the cockpit and talked with him about this. Despite the risks, Rafiq had decided to stay aboard as a ranger. He already felt a connection with his crewmates. They had become like a family in these few days and he wasn’t ready to let that go.
Rafiq spoke, “I knew that, Sof. It’s my understanding that we soldiers can’t do our job properly if we’re worried about our own survival over those we protect.”
Sofia had a retort ready. “Big idealist words coming from a greenie.”
“Maybe. But that’s my logic.”
“Logic wouldn’t have saved you if a breach bomb went off inside the medbay while you were in there.”
Rafiq looked Sofia straight in the eye and said, “We all die, Sofi. The point is, to have a life worth dying.”
Sofia went silent. That was something she believed in herself as well. She didn’t expect Rafiq to have the same ideals as her own.
Bear started patting Rafiq on the back. Rafiq was startled. He stared at the captain blankly.
Bear said, “Welcome aboard the Space-Kite, Gunnary Private Zardari.”
Rafiq fumbled to give a salute. “Sir.”
“Not bad, greenie”, Sofia spoke. “Where’d you get that last one from? Some Feder propaganda pamphlet?”
Rafiq replied, “Nope. Made it up myself. Why? You think it’s good enough for a pamphlet?”
Sofia smiled widely.
“Alright. We need to celebrate. Where’s that culsiryne stew you said you bought on Teg’rysen?”, Zekko asked Sofia.
Bear spoke, “Good thinking, Zekko. This is the perfect occasion. You three set up the meal. Pomeroy and I’ll check out if we got any transmissions from command.”
While Zekko, Sofia and Rafiq prepared the chairs that were strapped at a corner of the cargo bay, Bear and Pomeroy headed toward the cockpit.
“So what do you think, Pomeroy? He makes a good crewmate?” Bear asked.
Pomeroy replied, “Affirmative. Improvement of crew morale with private Zardari on board, over 80%.”
“Good to hear. So, how was the intel from Rogdus 4’s drives and the interrogation?”

Bioscan-banking: Banking system utilizing the customers’ biometric scan; a common feature in the core sectors but not as much in the outer cossverse, mainly due to the large distance from the banks’ central databases.
Deskreen: Slang term for people whose work involves sitting at a desk and staring at vidscreens i.e. people working in an office.
Hettic: One of the many gods of the rocks.
