Friday, 3 April 2015

A coincidence of incredible proportions...

Okay, so after having helped Biohazard063 make the Lanius C i.e. the Raptor, we were chatting on Steam yesternight about another ship idea.

Initially, we started discussing a Crystal C. But we couldn't think of anything to make it stand out from the A and B. So we left the idea and started thinking of maybe a ship that starts with Vulcan.

So, we threw some ideas across the digital table like Stealth B with a Vulcan instead of Glaive (which is a horrible idea) or a Zoltan ship with Vulcan (better but meh). Thought of maybe pricing the Vulcan at 0 as a means of forcing the player to play with the Vulcan and not sell it for something better. But eventually we both decided that the Vulcan is a mid-game gun, at earliest, and doesn't work at the start of the game without the ship being unbalanced and overpowered.

So, we returned to the Crystal C idea. We realized that AE added (or maybe they were always there and we just didn't know) a few new crystal weapons that we could maybe look at. And we came upon a design. It's pretty interesting I would say. Not as much as the Raptor but certainly plays very differently from any other player ships in the game (excluding other mods, of course).

Anyway, regarding colour, I felt an orange-yellow would be cool to see. Bio okayed and we set upon thinking of a name. Going by this list of orange-yellow minerals, we had a few contenders.

Calaverite, Cervantite, Jarosite were all good selections. But eventually we decided on Xanthoconite. Mostly because it sounds similar to the xeno prefix, which means alien or foreign. So, as TVTropes would call it, the name becomes a Genius Bonus. If you've an interest in geology and minerals, you'd get a smirk or maybe even a chuckle and if not, and you're like the general mindless commonfolk, you'd think, "hehe, xeno means aliens. Nice Alien reference bro" and we'll both be like Mr. Picard (P.S. I've seen only one Star Trek episode, the one with the wormhole thingy and that too when I was like 9 years old so I don't remember anything except the wormhole).

Anyway, now coming to the actual coincidence that happened. Soon after deciding on the name of the ship, Bio sent me a picture of a Xanthoconite.

Just...take a look...

Does the shape remind you of anything?
This? This right here, is the textbook definition of incredible! Dafudge! Wat! O_______O

I replied to Bio after seeing this, "Universe bro, you're being scary terrifying right now!"

That is all. Thanks for reading. My mind was blown! Good day now. Bye bye :)

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Hey, this blog exists. Wow!

Anyway, I figured I should make a post since it's a new year and everything :P

Just decided that I should start being more appreciative of the games I play and so, from now on, I will include in my video descriptions, as much information as I feel necessary to introduce the game to any newcomers. Also, I'll add any video policy links I find for said game, just to keep myself on the safe side :)

So that's that. I obviously won't go back my entire archive of almost 1500 videos and add this information to each of them, I'm not crazy. Well, I am, but not that much. But from now on, all videos will have this information in the future. Yay!

Also, I had an idea for a game while travelling to college on the bus. I'm not by any means a game-dev so I'll never get around making it. But I'll try posting it online and hope someone else picks up on it :P