Saturday 7 July 2012

The Company of Myself - Very unique puzzle game

How ya all doing, crickets?

I just wanted to let you fellas know that I recorded another Let's Play of an exceedingly unique puzzle game, The Company of Myself, a game by FreeAsANerd.

This game is about a hermit telling you his life story & revolves around an epic gameplay mechanic that you're unlikely to have seen before. Any more information would be a spoiler to this gem of a game so you better go play it yourself to find out what I mean ;)

No, I'm serious. Go play this game NOW. It's THAT good :)

Here's a link to the first episode of my Let's Play of this awesome game.
& here's the playlist :)

& Here's a link to the game, The Company of Myself.

Well, Bye for now, crickets. Till my next LP (which is already recorded :)


  1. Replies
    1. I tried it a little bit. The smoke controls feel a bit dodgy. Could get annoying in the later levels. The game has a nice feel to it though & I sense a good storyline so we'll see :)
